The Issue
As most of our customers have been made aware we have had some limitations to posting vacancies for Apprenticeship Standards to the NAS RAA website due to NAS not updating their API to allow for these new changes. We have constantly been in contact with NAS reporting this issue who have now told us that a new API is in development.
The Fix
Thanks to our very professional and helpful contact, Zeenat (Operations Adviser at National Apprenticeship Service), we are now able to offer our customers a temporary fix until the new API is available (we will keep you updated on these developments). In the interim period between now and then for posting an apprenticeship Standard for a vacancy please follow the steps outlined below:
· Edit the Vacancy Title so that it contains the following at the start:
“FAO CATE: STANDARD TBC –“as an example – ‘FAO CATE: STANDARD TBC – Apprentice Engineer’ (please bear in mind the 100 character limit to this field)
Make sure that the first line of the ‘Training to be Provided’ section is the name of the Standard you wish to post this vacancy for
In the NAS Framework – pick ANY framework here as NAS will adjust to correct framework
Select ONLY your JustApply and NAS Channels
Save and then Post/Edit Vacancy
Edit the Vacancy title to display how you want it to, choose all other relevant channels you wish to post to and save
Post/Edit Vacancy once more
This will ensure that the correct information has been submitted, firstly to NAS, then secondly to all other Channels you may use and updated your JustApply to the correct information regarding the Vacancy Title.
From here NAS will be able to pick up this vacancy, remove the comment from the Vacancy Title, change it from a Framework to the correct Standard and then submit to being live removing the need for you to either post vacancies manually to NAS or posting and then editing a referred vacancy.
You will now only have a referred vacancy if there is something else amiss with the vacancy such as the Description, working week, wage etc. Obviously on occasions human error can occur so you may find the odd vacancy come back to change yourself but that is something that we cannot control or have any influence on.